Beaujolais Nouveau is a fruity, young red wine that is released for sale every year on the third Thursday in November with fireworks, music and festivals. Under French law, the wine is released at 12:01 am, a few weeks after the wine's grapes have been harvested.

How did it all start?

Beaujolais Nouveau was originally a very basic wine, drunk by vineyard workers to celebrate the end of harvest. Gradually, the wine began to appear at local cafés and bistros in Lyon and other towns of the Beaujolais region. In the early 1960’s some of the local winemakers, saw potential and decided to promote the wine with a contest to see who could get the first bottle to Paris. From here it’s popularity sky rocketed, spreading around Europe, the US and Canada in the 1980s and Asia in the 1990’s. It’s so popular now that one third of Beaujolais’ production is dedicated to the Nouveau style. There are over 35 million bottles produced and distributed to 110 countries.

Beaujolais nouveau is it a name?

Not at all dear friends. Beaujolais is produced within the region of Beaujolais and Beaujolais-Villages.



How is it produced?

A fruity red wine made from handpicked Gamay grapes , is made using the process of ‘carbonic maceration’ and bottled 6 – 8 weeks after harvest. This method produces a wine that is very low in tannin with high acidity.

What to eat it with?

With a good Lyon charcuterie board! It’s perfect with a rosette, a Jesus, or a sausage with pistachio. It also pairs well with good local cheeses such as Saint Marcellin, or Saint Felicien.

How to serve and keep it?

Jean-Michel, our sommelier advises us to serve it between 14-15°C. Cool but not cold. Also important to note, the Beaujolais Nouveau is not a wine. It should be drunk within 3 to 6 months to best enjoy the pleasures of the fruit.

Le Petit Ballon, c’est chaque mois :
  • 2 bouteilles de vin finement sélectionnées par notre Chef Sommelier
  • Des conseils et astuces pour tout savoir sur les vins
  • Découvrez de nouveaux vins tous les mois
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